The Anaglyph Method

Stereopair images are two dimensional images of an object taken from a right and left perspective. If the right eye only sees the image taken from the right perspective and the left eye only sees the image taken from the left perspective, the brain can be fooled into thinking it sees a three dimensional image.

The anaglyph method is based on adding complementary colors into images of a stereo pair. The colored images are shown as superimposed over each other. Red and cyan colors are used in most cases. Anaglyphs consists of two stereo pairs, which are based on complementary colour separations. The most known and used pair is red-cyan.

The anaglyph method uses color to encode the right and left image pairs. This method requires that the user wear a special pair of glasses with color filters over each eye. These glasses have a red filter over one eye and a blue or green filter over the other eye. Most anaglyph glasses put the red filter over your left eye.

You can see an example of anaglyph image in Fig. In those parts of the photo, where the brightness of both images is the same, white color of various brightness (gray, black) is seen; but in the parts with different brightness, you can see that additional colors are doubled. These doubling results from the difference in the images taken from different points and it creates three-dimensional effect.

Educational Uses

When educators decide to use media for teaching they go through one of three paths: These are discovery, research or creation.

Example of discovery: A teacher may want to use a video of lessons demonstrations that she saw while watching object

Example of research: A teacher can decide he wants to use a video of lessons demonstrations and researches to see what is available or useful for his class.

Example of creation: A teacher can do videotapes him or herself conducting lessons  experiments to use in class.

Stereoscopic monitoring is mostly an individual event. But collective monitoring techniques are also available. These are projection methods. Projection with monitoring has been a frequently preferred method as it can be done by everyone at the same time. Especially in education and seminars, it is a great advantage that everyone can perform stereoscopic monitoring at the same time using only glasses.

