Live Cyber Attack Maps

A cyber-attack is any type of internet attack designed by individuals or entire organizations that targets computer information systems, networks, or infrastructures [1]. It is any type of offensive maneuver that targets computer information systems, infrastructures, computer networks, or personal computer devices [5]. It is a malicious and deliberate attempt by an individual or organization to breach the information system of another individual or organization. Usually, the attacker seeks some type of benefit from disrupting the victim’s network [6].

Every 39 seconds, a cyber-attack occurs. While some of these are manually-targeted cyber-attacks, most of them are botnets steadfast on shutting down infrastructures and destroying computers and systems of major organizations. To see how cybersecurity works globally, you can observe cyber-attacks and how malicious packets interact between countries [1].

A cyber attack map is just a fancy, graphical way to show how the Internet Works [2]. Cyber-attack maps are valuable tools that give information on how to stay ahead of attacks. A cyber-attack map shows how the Internet functions in a graphical way and can be useful to see the big picture [1].  Each one, provided by a cybersecurity company, has a graphical user interface with a different spin on the same idea [4]. Most do not show live attack data, but records of past attacks. They only show Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack, not other types of cybercrime [1].

Because most cyber-attack maps are not in real-time, it can be difficult to understand them [1]. Something important to keep in mind, about the source of the attacks: while these maps locate specific countries launching attacks against others, that doesn’t mean the actual source of the attack is the same as the attacker location [2].

However, there are still positives to these maps. Real time cyber attack maps offer us an insight on the attacks going on around the globe [3]. There are the top cyber-attack maps that you can watch in order to visualize digital threat incidents. Live cyber attack maps are as follows.

Fortinet Threat Map

You can click this link for the Cyber Attack map.

Threat Butt Hacking Attack Map

You can click this link for the Cyber Attack map.

Talos Spam and Malware Map

You can click this link for the Cyber Attack map.

Deteque Botnet Threat Map

You can click this link for the Cyber Attack map.

Bitdefender Live Cyber Threat Map

You can click this link for the Cyber Attack map.

Digital Attack Map

You can click this link for the Cyber Attack map.

Live Cyber Attack Threat Map

You can click this link for the Cyber Attack map.

Kaspersky Cyber Malware and DDoS Real-Time Map

You can click this link for the Cyber Attack map.

FireEye Cyber Threat Map

You can click this link for the Cyber Attack map.

Real-Time Internet Monitor | Akamai

You can click this link for the Cyber Attack map.

NETSCOUT Cyber Threat Horizon: Real-time Cyber Threat Map

You can click this link for the Cyber Attack map.

Cyber-Attack Map

You can click this link for the Cyber Attack map.

